Alex Davies

Time Window


A collaboration between Alex Davies and Chris Fox, this generative digital artwork represents a long form perpetual clock via the manipulation of real-time video footage of an adjacent street scape. A display is inserted into the internal brick wall of a lounge with a camera capturing footage outside on the corresponding wall. In this sense, the display acts as a mediated window to the outside world.. Through complex visual programming the footage is manipulated to combine live video with prerecorded footage to form a series of visual indicators referencing changes in time such as hours, days months and years. The abstract visual time window is designed to operate perpetually. The constantly evolving and never repeating media canvas displays captured events from years prior that dynamically merge with the present.


  • Private Commission


  • Thanks to Boris Bagattini, Ollie Bown and Ben Carey for programming.


Project Details

DATE : 2018

MEDIUM : Generative Video Installation: Computer, Camera, Display


KEYWORDS : Installation, Video